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One of life’s most exciting and stressful experiences can be reaching out to your crush. You might experience butterflies in your stomach and a hundred-mile-per-hour heartbeat, and occasionally your mind will simply go blank. But if you want to get to know them better, it’s important to start the conversation and take the first step.
You can easily break the ice and form a bond that could lead to more if you choose the right topics. You’ve come to the right place if you don’t know where to begin.
Things to talk about with your crush
Now you’re getting close to your crush. Most likely, you’re both very excited and a little nervous. You might have pictured how the conversation would go, including what you would say and how she would respond.
Stop. Relax. Allow it to unfold naturally. Your objective is to have a natural conversation with her, even though it’s hard not to let it build up in your head. Make a list of topics you want to discuss with a girl in advance, but don’t be surprised if the conversation changes course! Follow the current.
Accept the fact that she will probably be a little nervous as well. To get things started, use this list of topics, and then have a genuine conversation with her. Try to have a real encounter because girls can tell when a man is just hitting on them. That is what will get her interested in you.
What activities does your crush enjoy on dates?
Inquire about the activities that your crush enjoys doing on dates, with the intention of possibly asking them out. Even with the admittedly limited constraints of a pandemic, you can then plan something very special for the two of you to do.
There are so many different kinds of whales, and each one is superior, so there is a lot for you to discuss here. Since almost everyone, including your crush, enjoys whales, you might be able to rise in power. I can almost guarantee that you two will talk for hours.
At this point, it almost seems like the government is admitting that aliens are real. It’s like, “Just show them to us already, you scamps!!” Let’s check out the aliens! Is your crush excited about the big reveal? What would they do in the event of an encounter with an extraterrestrial being? What inquiries would they have regarding our interstellar neighbors? Does your crush support the invasion by aliens? Do they anticipate that the aliens will be sexy? And do they find the possibility exciting?
Any of our questions, “Would You Rather?
Would you rather have your crush spit out glitter or sweat milk? Have teeth made of walrus tusks or baleen hair?
Text or call?
Is your crush a text-only communicator who mostly uses emojis to communicate? Do they actively utilize iMessage responses? Would they rather get in touch? Unexpectedly chaotic video chat? Do they respond quickly to direct messages from Instagram and Twitter, but not at all to messages in their text queue? Or, no, are they the kind of person who prefers email more than anything else?
Which aspects of a relationship matter most to them
You will want to know if you are trying to date them.
Do you have hobbies like your crush? Do you like to do things like tie dye, macramé, making colorful collages, or painting tiny paintings? Do you want to take part in those pastimes together?
Everyone seems to have an opinion about whether or not they exist, including your crush. Some points of departure: ghosts you might have known or want to know; phantom sex; babies whose bodies are said to be occupied by ghosts from the past.
Your particular crushes

If Love Island has taught me anything, it is that telling two people they can’t hook up eventually makes it harder for them to hook up. Additionally, telling someone you care about them increases the likelihood that they will reciprocate, possibly because everyone wants that sweet, sweet £50,000. Anyway, I think you should ask your crush if they like anyone and think about telling them you like them. After all, this is Love Island, not Friend Island.
What characteristics do they seek in a partner?
Again, if you want to be in a relationship with your crush, talk about the qualities that make you most interested in them and the qualities that make relationships difficult.
Why do they want to go to which country, city, or region the most?
They might be able to tell you more about what draws them to those places if they choose terrestrial destinations over space.
What are their favorite words?
It is said that there are five love languages that describe how we most often give and receive love. Which love languages do you speak? Who are your favs? If you can answer these questions, you’ll know if you should cut back on the gifts you give to entice them.
The environmental crisis
Look, it can be helpful to talk about big, scary things over and over when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Or, if it doesn’t help, maybe it’s just inevitable. In any case, you could discuss the climate crisis with your crush. In fact, you might want to, as nobody wants to date a climate change denier.
Okay, so astrology isn’t practiced by everyone. Some people say it’s fake, but that doesn’t matter if it is. Obtain that birth record.
Dogs or cats

An old problem that has only one good solution: both.
Their greatest, irrational, and greatest fear
The majority of people, I believe, have a specific phobia that makes them tremble or make them spit up with anxiety. This is their greatest, irrational, and greatest fear. They might feel a pulsating fear when they look at the tiny, tightly packed holes; Maybe cotton balls start them. Regardless of the object’s name, it offers a fascinating insight into the most bizarre parts of a person’s brain. Plus: baby, being vulnerable.
The most excellent book they’ve ever read
The answer to this question may reveal that your crush reads, which is a hot and crucial check for any new partner. Additionally, it will assist you in compiling book recommendations and possibly locating exciting common ground.
Will they reveal any secret tattoos they have?
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a sly butt tat.
When did they last get together?
You might be able to get a better sense of what this person is prepared for and whether it matches your mood right now if you discuss their and your previous relationships.
Ideas for a fun Zoom date
At this phase of the game, single individuals might have grown somewhat fatigued of the virtual-date-action menu, however maybe together, you can conceptualize something novel and zesty. One idea is presented here.
Summer or Winter Olympics?
We can long to talk about them. Of course, there are good Olympics everywhere, but I think the Winter Olympics are better than others. Discuss.
Favorite Celebrities
Do you have one celebrity crush or more than one celebrity crush? Harry Styles, who is this? What makes Megan Thee Stallion such a versatile “Hot Girl”? Who can forget Manny Jacinto and his jawline?
Do you love or hate the ocean?
Many readers claim that swimming in the ocean is a joy and that it is home to countless wonders. Equally, some might argue that the mysteries of the ocean are too vast to comprehend and that no body of water this vast and deep can be trusted, especially given that sea aliens live at the bottom. Which side does your crush fall into?
Which animal would they be, if they could be anything?
Which animal do they most identify with and/or aspire to imitate? A beluga whale that has finally found its way back to the ocean? a peacock that screams incessantly? Is this cat a lovable jerk?
Their earliest vivid memory of childhood
When you meet someone you really like as an adult, you may develop a burning curiosity about how they were as a child. Give in to their curiosity by asking them about their most vivid childhood memory.
What job would they choose if given the choice?
Paid to eat pancakes in bed for NASA? Who is in charge of the 55 cats that live on a Greek island far from anywhere else? Vlogger for squirrels? a lot of options.
The most embarrassing instance
Everyone, including crushes, has bad days. Laughing about them helps.
Emoticon of choice
Is there a particular obscure emoji that your crush adores? They probably do; Everybody’s Frequently Used section is ruled by an odd, illogical little icon.

Connecting with your crush requires having conversations that are important to you. You can lay out a strong starting point for building a relationship by examining various themes, including shared interests, leisure activities, normal interests, and individual stories, and that’s just the beginning. Allow the conversation to flow naturally by being sincere, respectful, and attentive. With these conversation starters, you are already well on your way to strengthening your connection with your crush.